Acid Reflux Diet: What to Eat and What to Avoid Infographic
Ready to get lasting relief with an acid reflux diet that treats the causes of your discomfort? New research has found a connection between inflammation and GERD. By avoiding foods that inflame the stomach and crowing in foods that reduce inflammation, you can treat the cause of acid reflux to get lasting reliable relief. Download
Acid Reflux Diet: What to Eat and What to Avoid Infographic Read More »
Get an Anti-Inflammatory GERD Diet to Work for YOU!
Are you living with GERD, heartburn, and acid reflux and wondering why a food can be okay one day then cause problems the next? Have you tried to follow a GERD diet (usually a long list of foods to avoid) only to find it too restrictive or providing inconsistent relief? Here’s why – the approach
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Foods That Lower Cholesterol – 6 Easy Actions
Interested in learning about the foods that lower cholesterol? Studies show that you can lower your cholesterol numbers by 20-30% just by making some small changes to how you eat and getting an anti inflammatory diet to work for you! Learn the foods that lower cholesterol and the ones that raise it, and get six easy actions you can take to enjoy eating more foods that lower cholesterol and help you feel great!
High Cholesterol Foods – What to Eat and What to Avoid
Studies show that you can lower your cholesterol by 20-30% just by changing how you eat. Lowering cholesterol with diet is about eating foods that: 1) raise your HDL (good cholesterol, think “H” for healthy); and 2) lower your LDL (bad cholesterol). You can make it happen – you just need to eat more of
High Cholesterol Foods – What to Eat and What to Avoid Read More »
Tips to Reduce Sodium Infographic
Watching your salt is an important step you can take to reduce high blood pressure. Here’s why: your body wants to maintain a balanced ratio of liquid to salt. When there is too much salt, your body pulls in more liquid and this extra fluid in your blood contributes to high blood pressure. Check out
Your High Blood Pressure Diet – 7 Principles
Looking for a high blood pressure diet that works for you? Learn the seven principles that ALL high blood pressure diets share so you can create a personalized approach to eating to reduce your blood pressure and enjoy how you eat and feel. You’ve probably heard of the DASH diet, but there’s also the Mediterranean
Foods That Lower Blood Pressure – 6 Easy Actions
Looking for foods that lower blood pressure? Worried that eating to control your high blood pressure will mean a life of bland food or a jail sentence of deprivation? Don’t worry, you can learn how to eat to lower your blood pressure and turn it into a lifestyle that you’ll love. Your fork and knife
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Take control. Activate healthy eating.
Savory Living’s founder Sue Levy shares some tips to take control of how you eat and feel by crowding in foods to help reduce inflammation and turning it into a lifestyle you love. It’s possible to take control and turn eating right for you into a delicious and sustainable lifestyle. You just need an easy
Bye Bye Inflammation Smoothie
Start your day crowding in nutrient-rich foods to help reduce inflammation, improve energy, and control your sugar cravings. Reduce inflammation with delicious smoothies Did you know that inflammation is connected to the majority of diseases of our time? And things like belly fat, headaches and migraines, joint pain, skin and digestive issues, high blood pressure,